Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sorry for the delay in posting!! We've been so busy getting back to normal life--this is a good thing!!  We moved back down to San Diego on 6/18 to get back to normal after the 3 month vacation with my parents. The older two are doing well now that they aren't sharing a bed anymore and Arianna is still sleeping through the night and just being a pleasure during the day. Amazingly, we've really adapted well and having 3 kids isn't terrible! haha   The only slightly bad thing is that poor Lexi and Alazne have decided that after 3 months of speaking English only, they've forgotten their Spanish. So it's back to 24/7 Spanish bootcamp at our house!

Arianna is doing AMAZING!  Sometimes I wonder if she ever *really* had anything wrong with her, because she never got sick! Aside from the turning purple episodes when she was tiny, really, we never would have known she had such a sick heart!  

When she was born, she was in the 25% for weight, right there at 7lbs 3 oz.  Well, after she got out of the hospital at her 2 month well baby visit, she had dropped way down to 11% for weight and her pediatrician was really concerned.  It's "normal" to gain about a pound a month. Well, we went in for her 3 month check up on July 3rd and she had gained 3lbs in one month! What a porker! now she's up to 50% for weight! hooray! She really does have rolls, but they suit her!   We actually went to the cardiologist today and they gave her a clean bill of health. Her heart is working wonderfully (though it still has a little leakage, which we knew about) and the cardiologist actually said "this is about as good as it gets".  He did mention that she looks HUGE! he said "i'm not telling you to put her on a diet, but maybe try to scale back a bit." if my mother-in-law heard that she would hop on the next plane out here to give him a piece of her mind! Hmm, don't tempt me!

Other than that, we are allowed to pick her up under her arms again, which is awesome...it's next to impossible to get this little ham out of her carseat by just her booty and head.   speaking of that big ole head, shes getting better with lifting it.  she wasn't allowed to do tummy time for about 3 weeks and as i mentioned, her body grew so fast that it was really hard for her to lift it!

She absolutely loves her sisters--she's so interested in what they are doing and seems to listen intently to what they say. And they love her!! they will not leave the poor thing alone!

Anyways, I just wanted to give you all an update. We are so grateful for all the love and support we've received from everyone.  Having gone through this has really put everything in life in perspective.  The other night when I had all the girls by myself and everyone was crying at once after Lexi woke up Alazne, I thought (for a split-second) "OMG, worst day ever." I caught myself though and realized that no the worst day ever would have been if any one of those days in the hospital hadn't gone as well as it had.   I think we love life just a little more and know that we are truly blessed.