Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sorry for the delay in posting!! We've been so busy getting back to normal life--this is a good thing!!  We moved back down to San Diego on 6/18 to get back to normal after the 3 month vacation with my parents. The older two are doing well now that they aren't sharing a bed anymore and Arianna is still sleeping through the night and just being a pleasure during the day. Amazingly, we've really adapted well and having 3 kids isn't terrible! haha   The only slightly bad thing is that poor Lexi and Alazne have decided that after 3 months of speaking English only, they've forgotten their Spanish. So it's back to 24/7 Spanish bootcamp at our house!

Arianna is doing AMAZING!  Sometimes I wonder if she ever *really* had anything wrong with her, because she never got sick! Aside from the turning purple episodes when she was tiny, really, we never would have known she had such a sick heart!  

When she was born, she was in the 25% for weight, right there at 7lbs 3 oz.  Well, after she got out of the hospital at her 2 month well baby visit, she had dropped way down to 11% for weight and her pediatrician was really concerned.  It's "normal" to gain about a pound a month. Well, we went in for her 3 month check up on July 3rd and she had gained 3lbs in one month! What a porker! now she's up to 50% for weight! hooray! She really does have rolls, but they suit her!   We actually went to the cardiologist today and they gave her a clean bill of health. Her heart is working wonderfully (though it still has a little leakage, which we knew about) and the cardiologist actually said "this is about as good as it gets".  He did mention that she looks HUGE! he said "i'm not telling you to put her on a diet, but maybe try to scale back a bit." if my mother-in-law heard that she would hop on the next plane out here to give him a piece of her mind! Hmm, don't tempt me!

Other than that, we are allowed to pick her up under her arms again, which is awesome...it's next to impossible to get this little ham out of her carseat by just her booty and head.   speaking of that big ole head, shes getting better with lifting it.  she wasn't allowed to do tummy time for about 3 weeks and as i mentioned, her body grew so fast that it was really hard for her to lift it!

She absolutely loves her sisters--she's so interested in what they are doing and seems to listen intently to what they say. And they love her!! they will not leave the poor thing alone!

Anyways, I just wanted to give you all an update. We are so grateful for all the love and support we've received from everyone.  Having gone through this has really put everything in life in perspective.  The other night when I had all the girls by myself and everyone was crying at once after Lexi woke up Alazne, I thought (for a split-second) "OMG, worst day ever." I caught myself though and realized that no the worst day ever would have been if any one of those days in the hospital hadn't gone as well as it had.   I think we love life just a little more and know that we are truly blessed.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ruh roh! With happy pics!

Ugh....just when we thought we were in the clear...poor Arianna is having problems. Nothing major, I don't think, but still. 

She has been off tylenol for at least a week, but seems to be in a lot of pain whenever she eats.  She only eats barely a half ounce at a time, when she should eat about 2.5+.  I called our pediatric cardiologist Sunday night and they told me to come to ER and he would meet me there. He was mostly worried about her getting dehyrated, nothing related to the surgery (her incision site looks fine). I obviously didn't want to drive all the way to Stanford at 10pm on a holiday weekend, so I promised to wake her up every 2 hours to feed her.   He checked with the attending doctor and agreed.  Well, it was absolutely exhausting, but I was able to feed her a decent amount every two hours.  I talked with the cardiologist on call this morning and she was ok with me not going to the ER.  Once we gave her tylenol, and heated the bottle up, Arianna ate like a champ today.  She literally ate more than double what she ate yesterday.  She apparently likes her bottle HOT! I'm wondering if her throat hurts and the heat warms it so she can swallow. Who knows.  

Well, I called back tonight to give the update and a third cardiologist jumped on the phone and said I should come in anyways! omg, i said no since it's late again and she's doing so much better.  I guess her concern was that Arianna really shouldn't be in any pain this long after the surgery, so there could be something going on.  I told them I'd come first thing in the morning instead and they were ok with that. 

Jeez, this is stressful!! Poor little thing was eating so little and then just screaming and screaming to the point of exhaustion.  I'm so glad we figured out what she wants.  I want to bring her in tomorrow anyways to just make sure everything is ok.  

Here are some pics of our happy girl and her pretty smile!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Home for good!

Baby Arianna is home for good!! It's about time after spending half of her life in the hospital!  We brought her home yesterday afternoon, not even 6 days after her open heart surgery! She is a champ!!  Wednesday, one of the doctors told me that she may very well be the healthiest baby in the whole hospital, but they were required to monitor her for 24 hours after taking out the chest drainage tube.   We are so happy!  They took the bandage off of the scar down her chest so that is a little scary, but other than that, you would never know that she has been through anything. She even smiled at me for the first time today! She's happy to be home! 

Today we were supposed to take the gauze/tape covering where they took out the drainage tube...I am a tad too squeamish so I made Jesus do it.  It looks scary. But nothing came out (blood) so I guess it's ok!   We go back for our follow up appointment with the cardiologist on Friday 5/31.  Then we are cleared to go back to our normal lives...which means we can finally relocate back to San Diego!

We have been so unbelievably blessed. Being in the ICU with all the sick babies who will probably need multiple surgeries and God forbid may not even make it.  It also gave us utmost confidence in our surgeon Dr. Hanley.  In speaking with other parents, they had tried to find help for their babies all over the country and pretty much every other hospital said they couldn't help them.  Dr. Hanley said he could and did! 

We look forward to a lifetime of healthy heart with this little cookie!  I will post a picture of our happy girl post surgery when I get a chance.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Moving on up! With a new happy pic!

Can I just say, miss Arianna is a champ! She has blown through this ICU!  Her breathing tube was taken out at the 24 hour point. She also started eating from her bottle the morning after that.  Been doing awesome. They took her off all meds except Tylenol...which, umm, tylenol, for open heart surgery?  She had her jugular IV taken out today and she kicked out one of the IV's in her foot.  They tried to re-put it in her arm, but she ripped that out too! They then decided that since she wasn't on any IV meds, she didn't need an IV anymore. She showed them!  She is slowly trying to get herself out of here. We were supposed to be moved to the less intensive care unit, but they were full, so we are staying put and waiting.   Other than that, I got to hold her today, which she of course loved.

My only concerns are that she still needs a medication to help her pee, and she is still turning purple when she really loses it. That is not supposed to happen anymore since she is allegedly all fixed! I will harass the doctors daily until they give me the answer I want to hear.

Ok until next time...oh and btw, today I was into the hall and saw spiderman on the roof, about to rapell the building. One of the nurses saw him too and said they needed to call security!   Apparently, though, he was the window washer. Never a dull moment!

Ps...look at this happy camper!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Still touch and go...with pictures!

Well, we are at the 24 hour mark and she is so far doing well. We are still touch and go as she is on two different meds to make her pee. Just, let it flow sista!  Other than that, they are weaning her off the breathing machine and eventually off the sedatives. Then they will take the breathing tube out and apparently she will be mad!

Please see the before and after pics below. Notice the machine with the 8 medications she is on, the 4 IV's, drainage tube, breathing tube, catheter, feeding tube, and I can't remember what else. Lots of .machines for such a tiny peanut.

Hot off the press! They took her breathing tube out! I thought they were gonna wait till morning, but they didn't. Hopefully she does well tonight!

Friday, May 17, 2013

She's out of surgery!

It's 10pm and she finally has arrived to the cardiac ICU. We saw her briefly going from the elevator to the ICU. The surgeon met with us and everything was a success. Unfortunately, her pulmonary valve was too narrow, it measured 4mm and should measure 12mm, so he had to cut it to prevent blockages.  However, when you cut it, leakage occurs, so her heart still has to work harder than it should.  This is not a problem now, but will probably require another surgery to replace the valve in 10-20 years.  There is a possibility, that once the patch is removed, she won't need a valve replacement because of the way he preserved the leaflets of the valve. The goal is for the leaflets to grow and eventually prevent any leakage.  Sorry this is probably like Greek to most, but will hopefully help someone.

Anyways, they will keep her asleep tonight and tomorrow will be another adventure.

Thank you so much for all the prayers.

Now jesus and I will try to get some sleep as we go share couch #3 in a room of couches. This should be interesting!

Waiting waiting waiting

Well, here we are in the surgical waiting room with our choice of Home alone or harry potter for movies...hence why I am updating the blog.

Arianna was absolutely beautiful today. Her baby acne had cleared up and she was just glowing. We were originally supposed to arrive at 11:30 am for a 2:30 surgery. So poor thing last ate at 730...well that's what was supposed to happen.  In my distrust of the timing of doctors, I fed her more like at 8-8:30. Sure enough, I call and they are running about a half hour behind.  I was also allowed to feed her clear liquids until 930, but ended up giving her some pedialyte at About 11. Which, can I just say, she loved! Don't get used to it little lady, we are juice Nazi's! But I digress...

Good thing I distrusted the doctors, wbo, basically don't trust the patients by telling you not to eat for unreasonable amounts of time. We started the surgery FOUR hours late!  Poor Arianna was so hungry...she just kept looking at me like "why are you holding out on me? Just slip me a little." pobrecita.  apparently we were just waiting on the anesthesiologist who they paged twice. She showed up having tuna on the breath and cleaning her teeth. I was not pleased. But I of course didn't say anything because, I was, afterall, handing my baby over to her. So that's where she is.

We went to get some dinner a few hours later and ran into the anesthesia resident who said she did awesome. He, btw, had bloodshot eyes, so he either smoked a bowl after leaving the OR, or was hungover. He mentioned being in the cafeteria because he needed something to drink.  Friday night...i guess so! Pull it together punk!  He also said it took longer than normal because they had trouble getting her iv's in. Which means she'll be black and blue again.  By now the surgery has apparently started, so we are just waiting for the surgeon to come talk to us. Probably another hour.

For some reason, I feel an enormous sense of calm. I can only think it is thanks to all of your prayers. Thank you so much.  I am also absolutely exhausted.  6 months of worry will do that to you.

Jesus is good....well...watching lord of the rings...sorry not harry potter...

Stay tuned for updates.

Oh and ps....it's prom at the hospital. What that means is still unknown.  Stay tuned for that update as well.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tomorrow's the big day!

Well, it's finally come....Arianna's big surgery is scheduled for tomorrow! She'll be 6 weeks old.  So barring any emergency surgeries that may pop up and bump us, our little peanut will be fixed tomorrow!  We had our pre-op visit yesterday where they told us what to expect.  Basically, they will cut through her sternum and spend 3-4 hours repairing her heart. Her issues are: Dual output right ventricle (DORV), VSD, and pulmanary stenosis.  The most shocking part of it for me is that she will be on heart and lung bypass and that she will have several IV's, most shockingly, in her neck!  I guess it goes directly into her jugular. Just thinking about that makes me want to puke. In addition, she'll have some drainage tubes coming out of her belly and a breathing tube when I see her again.  Luckily, she'll hopefully only be in the hospital for a week after the surgery.

Unfortunetely, we aren't the surgeon's first surgery of the day; we're scheduled for 1pm...surgery start probably around 2-2:30. I'm glad he told us this is about a 3 out of 10 on his level of complexity.

Poor Jesus and I have been feeling kinda depressed the last few days, and today my body just aches. I'm guessing that all the stress we've been feeling inside since we found out about her heart defect is finally coming to a head.

Please pray for us and most of all for precious Arianna. I will update when I can!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's been a little while since my last post. Here's Arianna's update.
As of now, her surgery has been rescheduled for 5/17/13.  We met with the cardiologist on Friday and she said that these little heart babies can change for the worse very quickly, so we might as well get it out of the way. And that means we can head back home to SD sooner rather than later.   I'm actually glad we scheduled it earlier because I have a feeling they will cancel on us for more urgent cases.  So we'll see.

Also, before we left the hospital, Arianna did not pass the hearing test in her left ear.  We went in to meet with the audiologist and she failed it again.  They did further testing and though the eardrum is responding, in several of the tests, the right ear responded much better than the left.   She is scheduled for a diagnostic test tomorrow to find out what the deal is and what we are dealing with here.   The audiologist told me not to freak out...I said "look lady, this is the least of my worries! I know she hears something with the right ear so that's good enough for me!"  It's pretty apparent that there is a difference because when I try to soothe her in the left ear, she is unresponsive, but quiets right down if I shoosh her in her right ear.    Tomorrow's appointment is 4 hours long and she's supposed to be sleeping the whole time. They told me to skip a sleep session and a feeding session so she's good and mad...Ummmm, she can't get really upset!! She turns absolutely dark purple because she's not getting enough good oxigenated blood.  So we'll see what happens.

In addition to her ear issue, at her pediatrician appointment on Friday, apparently her eyes are not tracking exactly.   The doctor said she is still young so maybe they are not focusing quite yet, but that I should watch it VERY closely.   And that I should follow up with an optomologist once we are back in SD. 

All of this got me thinking that the slightly enlarged left ventricle in her brain.  Various different doctors told me it was nothing to worry about, but I'm starting to think all these issues could be related.  I've left a message for the Stanford pediatrician to call me back so we can get a MRI and find out what is going on.

On top of ALLLL of this, I get a call yesterday from the local pediatrician that I should come in right away and get Arianna tested for CMV, which is a virus that about 80% of the population are carriers for, but can be lethal for newborns.   The reason she wants to test Arianna is because CMV causes hearing loss in infants and if we catch it soon enough, there are treatments we can start to prevent further hearing loss.   However, the IV medication apparently has pretty severe side effects and they try to avoid giving it to newborns...AWESOME! :(   Pretty much, if she has this virus, she's not gonna get her surgery, because the virus preys on the compromised immune system.  Needless to say, we're praying she is all clear.

I brought her over there to do a urine catch and it only took 4 hours and 4 bags. The first bag fell off. The second bag leaked and we didn't catch enough urine.  As we were changing bags, she promptly peed all over the table as I was talking to the doctor.   She filled the third bag with SOOOO much poop. it was an absolute disaster. Finally, the 4th bag worked.  Phew!

So there you have it in a nutshell.  This poor peanut will be in touch with just about every type of -ologist on the planet!! She sure is sweet though!  :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

At last our baby has come home!!

Well, after my last post, I was so frustrated with the NICU staff, that I decided to basically move into the NICU to take control of the feeding situation. Otherwise, they never would have let her out.  I know she is not the most dependable eater, but these night nurses would give her 5mL of milk and when she would get tired, they would give up and feed the rest through the tube.  These heart babies get very tired and don't have the stamina to eat it all at once. Patience is key.  So I figured who better to take charge of feedings than me!?

Luckily, I was given an actual private room so I didn't have to sleep on a couch in a room.   However, the second night, I got booted from my room because some family's situation was getting worse (which in the NICU is NEVER good)--so obviously I was happy to give up the room.  However, I was given a couch in the busiest lounge!!  All I can say is: EARPLUGS! 

The first night, she gained 43g! woohoo! the goal was 20-30g/ day and previously she had gained 5g, then 13g.  I was super optimistic that they'd see her progress with me and let her go. However, the next morning, they asked me to stay one more night to prove to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was ready.  Well, the second night, she gained 74g!!! The doctor told me "well, you have proved to us, that when we get out of the way, you truly know best how to take care of your baby".  WELL DUH!

So on Wednesday, April 17th, we were finally able to take her home!! we are finally a real family--all together.

They've set her surgery for May 24th, which is sooner than we actually thought--they had originally said that she was in such good shape that she wouldn't need surgery for 3 months. But apparently, our superstar surgeon, Dr. Frank Hanley, chose the 24th for his schedule.  He previously told me that waiting to have the surgery later was mostly to help the bonding process solidify for mom and baby.  It wasn't to get them to gain weight as he can operate on any sized peanut, apparently.  The surgery will be so traumatizing that she'll really need her mama afterwards. 

One of the nurses for the cardio vascular ICU was telling me about a few of the things to expect with the recovery of open heart surgery, and it was a lot of stuff that I reallllly prefer not to think about right now. My goal is just to enjoy my baby right now--oh, and to get her schedule switched--she seems to think that nightime is the time to be awake!!

Thanks so much for all your prayers!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

No homecoming for us...

I called into the NICU this morning, as I do every morning to see how Arianna did overnight. Well, the good news is that she gained 45g last night! woohoo!  Apparently, the night nurses gave her a ton to eat...but through her feeding tube.   The daytime nurse, who we had both yesterday and today, was very patient with her and used the feeding tube as a last resort.  Well, apparently, the night nurse had no such patience and just fed her everything through the tube.   Any type of food in the tummy is good right? Wrong.

When I got to the NICU, I said I was super excited to get her home Monday or Tuesday.  The nurse said there is just no way. Arianna has to be off the feeding tube for 24 hours for it to get taken out. THEN, she has to prove that she can gain weight/eat reliably on her own for 24-48 hours. So we are looking closer to next weekend! It's just so frustrating because I feel like I just have them emptiness when I'm at home without her.   Today I was holding her super close and she was doing the same type of movements that she did when she was in my belly, and I just felt so sad that I was closer to her when she was inside than now.   I only see her like 7-8 hours a day, for 3 feedings, and then I go back home to help put the other kids to bed.

The nurse said it may make sense for me to try to camp out at the hospital for the next couple days so I can control the feedings. Since the hospital is 45 minutes from my parents' house, it doesn't really make sense to go back and forth. So I'm debating staying at the Ronald McDonald house or some motel for a few days so I can just run over to the hospital when needed. I just want it all to end.   We are so tempted to just bust her out of there. Tell the doctors that we'll take our chances.   Every newborn goes through feeding challenges. It certainly isn't helping her to be away from me for the majority of the day...

Sorry this is a depressing post...I guess it comes with the ups and downs of having a baby in the hospital.  Hopefully I'll have better news tomorrow.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Two steps forward, one step back!

Well, I had my first night of sleep at home last night--which was AMAZING! First time in a week that I slept for more than an hour! woohoo!  And I only called the NICU twice to see how Arianna was doing. Let me tell you, that was restraint!

Well, with all good things, comes a setback apparently.  Turns out that Arianna refuses to take a bottle, which is not good if I'm trying to sleep at home!  So, I get back to the NICU this morning, and the poor thing has a NG feeding tube in her nose. :(   And she got a few days added to her stay. Now, even if her heart ductus has closed tomorrow in the echo cardiogram, she still has to stay until Monday/Tuesday to monitor her feeding. GRRRR!  I'm so tempted to just pitch a tent in the NICU to ensure we can prove to the nurses that she just wants her MOMMA!

Anyways, please keep her in your prayers to start eating!!

Here are some pics--notice the mohawk in every picture!! Does that make me a bad mama? haha

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

More delays...

Well, I was discharged and had to find a place to sleep to be able to stay at the hospital with Miss Arianna.  A social worker helped and said she found me a room! Hooray!  She gave me location within the hospital where I would be spending the next two nights: "3rd floor, South, Day Room, Sofa #3". Ummmmmm. It's basically a big room filled with fold out sofas. Well, considering that I'm only sleeping 1.5 hours at a time, I guess it will do. Really reminded me of my hostel days though. Luckily only one other guy showed up, so it was fine.

On to our pequena...well, the cardiologist stopped by yesterday and said that after the latest echo cardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) on Monday, apparently Arianna has Patent ductus Arterius...which *could* cause problems.  Essentially, all babies are born with this blood vessel open. Most babies have this close within minutes or days and all normal heart functions continue. However, sometimes it takes awhile for it to close, which allows oxygen-rich blood from the aorta to mix with oxygen-poor blood from the pulmonary artery. This can strain the heart and increase blood pressure in the lung arteries.  The doctors say they have no idea how long this will take to close-they've seen it take weeks! Our goal right now is to look at the heart again on Thursday to see if it has closed.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Other than that, our pink little friend has turned a bit yellow/orange-Jaundice.  She does not have the levels necessary to be put under the lights but is extremely border line. Aside from that, it's extremely common, so that is the least of my worries. I told them that since we are stuck in the hospital anyways, might as well put her under the lights to help her pass the jaundice. So there she is with her sunglasses, dressed only in a diaper--she LOVES it! This is a beach kid if I've ever seen one. Jesus says all she needs now is a margarita to be complete! 

They also took her back off of the IV fluids and she is doing AMAZING. She's eating a ton and having lots of wet diapers.  The nurse who was in charge of her a few days ago said she has seen a huge improvement, so that's good.

Despite the open heart vessel issue, I think she's back to being the healthiest in the NICU. YAY!  Every day there is some sort of drama in there-it really gives you so much to be grateful for.  There are families on either side of Arianna that we've become friends with. One of their babies had to have to their stomach pumped in front of them yesterday (talk about super scary), and the other found out that their seemingly improving little boy has a genetic defect.  :(   Both of these family's babies have the same tetralogy of fallot as we do, so it really shows the variety of cases.  Basically, there is at least one family crying hysterically at all times in the NICU.   We also met some Spaniards today (Jesus manages to meet Spaniards no matter where he is) and they were told last Saturday that their baby would probably not survive!!! Yet, then on Sunday, the same doctors said they guaranteed he WOULD survive.  It just gives you so, so much to be grateful for.

Also, today my two big girls came to visit Arianna and I in the hospital.  Alazne LOVED holding her teeny tiny sister and Lexi seemed a little sad.  We thought she was a little jealous, but when we asked her why she was sad, she said she didn't want to leave her baby in the hospital.  I love my girls. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Still in the NICU

I know I promised to be this SuperMom who, in my spare time whilst twiddling my thumbs in the NICU, would be posting to this blog 5 times a day. Well, obviously I was in soon-to-be new mommy bliss and obviously had a warped sense of reality (I think that is actually how people end up having lots of kids-amnesia!).  I have been so tired with my 1.5 hours of sleep between NICU visits, that even when I so much as look at my laptop to think about providing an update, I just shudder.

Today I am getting discharged. Notice I did not say we.  Yesterday, there was a huge debacle as the nurses changed shifts, which ended up having poor Arianna stabbed in every possible vein (with no success) to put another IV line and earned her 2 more nights in the NICU. :(   Not because she is doing worse...only because a nurse was trying to hurry up.  As far as the cardiologists are concerned, she has been cleared to go home for a few days now.

I understand the NICU nurses are very detail oriented and there are no shades of gray, which is why we love them, right? Basically, they took Arianna off of her IV because she was doing well and it would help to stimulate her to eat more.  She did eat more, but for some reason she didn't have any wet diapers from 9am to 6pm.  She had a huge one at 9 and then seconds before jabbing the new IV in her arm at 6, she had another huge one.  I think she must just be ready for potty training since she could hold it that long, but the nurses disagreed.

So now we are here waiting for her to prove she can eat well again and have wet diapers as we decrease the IV.  I think they are trying to find me a room or lounge or somewhere to sleep tonight so I can stay with her.  I think tomorrow I will go home for good, and hopefully she can come Wednesday.   She also is right on the border with jaundice. She doesn't need to be under the lights, but if she gets any more yellow, she may have to.

That's her update!  One other thing...I finally figured out who she looks like!! Sure, she has my coloring, but aside from blond eyelashes and eyebrows, she doesn't really resemble me nor my husband.  She kept giving me this look and I thought, who is that actor...well a few nights ago in my foggy state, it occurred to me!  She is identical to Liam Neeson! HAHA!  I'll try to catch "the look" with a picture!

I finally was forced to turn in the birth certificate document-I was dragging my feet because we couldn't decide on a middle name.   I was here by myself (Jesus was at home taking care of the girls) so I finally just made the executive decision.  Her name is Arianna Anyce Garcia.  This is the exact name that my favorite female cousin was ALMOST named many years ago.  When I mentioned to my uncle that we were going with Arianna, he told me that was the name he had wanted so many years ago, and the middle name was after my Aunt Anyce.  Very special.  Anyce is pronounced AN-eese.

OK all for now.  Keep praying for a speedy release for our baby girl!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Arianna is here!!

Baby Arianna is here!! And of course she is perfect!  We went in for my C-section scheduled for 12 noon on 4/4/13. Of course AFTER the nurse jammed my IV into my hand, a doctor runs in and says that the NICU is full and can't handle us today and could we please come back tomorrow. Talk about the biggest let down ever!! Well, after much running around, miraculously they found room for us at 2pm, and she arrived at 2:40!! 7lbs, 3oz.

 I'm still super tired, but I will update more later!

I just wanted to post that everything is WONDERFUL! And while she'll still need her open heart surgery in a few months, they are treating her like a normal newborn at this point. The plan is to go home with me on Monday. Let's see!!

Here's a picture! You can't tell, but she doesn't look anything like her big sisters-she has a full head of red hair and is pretty pale-like me!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Almost time!

HI there and thanks so much for visiting our blog!

This blog was created to help document the life of the Garcia family now that our new baby girl will arrive with the congenital heart defect: Tetralogy of Fallot. 

Tomorrow is the DAY! Our little peanut will come ready or not!  We've had a tough couple weeks waiting for her arrival (had to put our beloved dog Wembley down 6 days ago) but we are READY to see that tiny pink face!

I probably will have plenty of time on my hands to post while the baby's in the NICU the first week, so please stop by to see how she's doing!

Thank you so much for all your support-we would not have made it through this tough journey without your prayers!!