Friday, April 5, 2013

Arianna is here!!

Baby Arianna is here!! And of course she is perfect!  We went in for my C-section scheduled for 12 noon on 4/4/13. Of course AFTER the nurse jammed my IV into my hand, a doctor runs in and says that the NICU is full and can't handle us today and could we please come back tomorrow. Talk about the biggest let down ever!! Well, after much running around, miraculously they found room for us at 2pm, and she arrived at 2:40!! 7lbs, 3oz.

 I'm still super tired, but I will update more later!

I just wanted to post that everything is WONDERFUL! And while she'll still need her open heart surgery in a few months, they are treating her like a normal newborn at this point. The plan is to go home with me on Monday. Let's see!!

Here's a picture! You can't tell, but she doesn't look anything like her big sisters-she has a full head of red hair and is pretty pale-like me!

1 comment:

  1. You two look beautiful. Congratulations. Wishing you some much deserved rest. Take care & tiny kiss for Ariana (lovely name). Sandy
