Thursday, April 18, 2013

At last our baby has come home!!

Well, after my last post, I was so frustrated with the NICU staff, that I decided to basically move into the NICU to take control of the feeding situation. Otherwise, they never would have let her out.  I know she is not the most dependable eater, but these night nurses would give her 5mL of milk and when she would get tired, they would give up and feed the rest through the tube.  These heart babies get very tired and don't have the stamina to eat it all at once. Patience is key.  So I figured who better to take charge of feedings than me!?

Luckily, I was given an actual private room so I didn't have to sleep on a couch in a room.   However, the second night, I got booted from my room because some family's situation was getting worse (which in the NICU is NEVER good)--so obviously I was happy to give up the room.  However, I was given a couch in the busiest lounge!!  All I can say is: EARPLUGS! 

The first night, she gained 43g! woohoo! the goal was 20-30g/ day and previously she had gained 5g, then 13g.  I was super optimistic that they'd see her progress with me and let her go. However, the next morning, they asked me to stay one more night to prove to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was ready.  Well, the second night, she gained 74g!!! The doctor told me "well, you have proved to us, that when we get out of the way, you truly know best how to take care of your baby".  WELL DUH!

So on Wednesday, April 17th, we were finally able to take her home!! we are finally a real family--all together.

They've set her surgery for May 24th, which is sooner than we actually thought--they had originally said that she was in such good shape that she wouldn't need surgery for 3 months. But apparently, our superstar surgeon, Dr. Frank Hanley, chose the 24th for his schedule.  He previously told me that waiting to have the surgery later was mostly to help the bonding process solidify for mom and baby.  It wasn't to get them to gain weight as he can operate on any sized peanut, apparently.  The surgery will be so traumatizing that she'll really need her mama afterwards. 

One of the nurses for the cardio vascular ICU was telling me about a few of the things to expect with the recovery of open heart surgery, and it was a lot of stuff that I reallllly prefer not to think about right now. My goal is just to enjoy my baby right now--oh, and to get her schedule switched--she seems to think that nightime is the time to be awake!!

Thanks so much for all your prayers!

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