Monday, May 20, 2013

Moving on up! With a new happy pic!

Can I just say, miss Arianna is a champ! She has blown through this ICU!  Her breathing tube was taken out at the 24 hour point. She also started eating from her bottle the morning after that.  Been doing awesome. They took her off all meds except Tylenol...which, umm, tylenol, for open heart surgery?  She had her jugular IV taken out today and she kicked out one of the IV's in her foot.  They tried to re-put it in her arm, but she ripped that out too! They then decided that since she wasn't on any IV meds, she didn't need an IV anymore. She showed them!  She is slowly trying to get herself out of here. We were supposed to be moved to the less intensive care unit, but they were full, so we are staying put and waiting.   Other than that, I got to hold her today, which she of course loved.

My only concerns are that she still needs a medication to help her pee, and she is still turning purple when she really loses it. That is not supposed to happen anymore since she is allegedly all fixed! I will harass the doctors daily until they give me the answer I want to hear.

Ok until next time...oh and btw, today I was into the hall and saw spiderman on the roof, about to rapell the building. One of the nurses saw him too and said they needed to call security!   Apparently, though, he was the window washer. Never a dull moment!

Ps...look at this happy camper!

1 comment:

  1. She's such a trooper guys, I'm thrilled that she's on the mend!
