Friday, May 17, 2013

Waiting waiting waiting

Well, here we are in the surgical waiting room with our choice of Home alone or harry potter for movies...hence why I am updating the blog.

Arianna was absolutely beautiful today. Her baby acne had cleared up and she was just glowing. We were originally supposed to arrive at 11:30 am for a 2:30 surgery. So poor thing last ate at 730...well that's what was supposed to happen.  In my distrust of the timing of doctors, I fed her more like at 8-8:30. Sure enough, I call and they are running about a half hour behind.  I was also allowed to feed her clear liquids until 930, but ended up giving her some pedialyte at About 11. Which, can I just say, she loved! Don't get used to it little lady, we are juice Nazi's! But I digress...

Good thing I distrusted the doctors, wbo, basically don't trust the patients by telling you not to eat for unreasonable amounts of time. We started the surgery FOUR hours late!  Poor Arianna was so hungry...she just kept looking at me like "why are you holding out on me? Just slip me a little." pobrecita.  apparently we were just waiting on the anesthesiologist who they paged twice. She showed up having tuna on the breath and cleaning her teeth. I was not pleased. But I of course didn't say anything because, I was, afterall, handing my baby over to her. So that's where she is.

We went to get some dinner a few hours later and ran into the anesthesia resident who said she did awesome. He, btw, had bloodshot eyes, so he either smoked a bowl after leaving the OR, or was hungover. He mentioned being in the cafeteria because he needed something to drink.  Friday night...i guess so! Pull it together punk!  He also said it took longer than normal because they had trouble getting her iv's in. Which means she'll be black and blue again.  By now the surgery has apparently started, so we are just waiting for the surgeon to come talk to us. Probably another hour.

For some reason, I feel an enormous sense of calm. I can only think it is thanks to all of your prayers. Thank you so much.  I am also absolutely exhausted.  6 months of worry will do that to you.

Jesus is good....well...watching lord of the rings...sorry not harry potter...

Stay tuned for updates.

Oh and's prom at the hospital. What that means is still unknown.  Stay tuned for that update as well.

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